Through Embodied Inquiry & Core Process Psychotherapy ( a mindfulness based psychotherapy, drawing on a Buddhist psychology we meet each other! and see from there what arises and needs our attention!


Like a woman who goes

to her lover’s room when he is not there,

I go to the woods.

Like a woman laying her hand

on each of his possessions

and loving him all the more.

I walk in the trees and touch_

pine cones, leaf, feather, husk.

Always a longing to catch sight

of squirrel , badger, deer.

the forest pulling me deeper in

until the trees reveal

its not a glimpse of wildness

that I crave, but more like one of those stories

where the stranger welcomed

into the family home

turns out to e a fox,

or the fisherman’s wife

after long years of marriage

proves to be a seal.

sometimes my need is to lie down among the pines,

to curl heart to earth

Only the breath . Only fur

Grace Wells

for Marianne Gabriel & Charlie Stevens


Thank you for your interest in my therapy and the workshops offered.

Awakening through Embodied Inquiry & Honouring the Wisdom within. How this practice deeply enhances psychotherapy in the dance of presence and how we relate in our daily lives.

 The Contemporary Embodied Pathways help cultivate a nourishing bodily presence steadying heart /mind….engaging a healthy and skilful engagement with our imagination. … drawing on a holistic understanding of the human body - and what it to be a human body.

“ I thought the earth, remembered me, She took me back so tenderly, arranging her dark skirts, her pockets full of lichens and seeds” I slept as never before, a stone on the riverbed, nothing between me and the white fire of the stars “

Mary Oliver